iPicker is software that allows you to randomly call on students in class while excluding the names of students who are not at class that day.

Download Matlab code

Instructions for use
First time setup
In iclicker, select your course and go to edit-> my settings
Go to LMS/Reg and select Blackboard Version 8 (and above)
Click set for course

Go into igrader, select your class and click sync (you should repeat this step every few days at the beginning of the semester as people add and drop the class)

in the iPicker folder, open the file path.txt and change the path so it goes to the iclicker folder for your class

In class use
In class, have people check in by pressing A on their iclicker (with iclicker running)
Open Matlab
In matlab, find the iPicker folder and open iPicker_master
Hit the F5 key

Select 1 group and hit next
Pick the most recent file starting with "L" and hit enter
Hit Next to get the next random name